Episode 1: Why We Travel as a Family
Welcome to our very first podcast! We're so glad you're here.
I’d like to introduce you to me and my family! I’m Ashley, the mom and chief planner of the group. Then there’s my husband Brent who is the Chief driver and all around calm guy. And then we have our son who we will call Trooper who is always up for an adventure.
We are a family of travelers, but not the kind that's been to 100 countries, though that would be cool. We're the kind who have full-time jobs and school and businesses and pets and responsibilities. But we still get out and travel as much as we possibly can.
In this episode, we are going to talk about WHY we travel and WHY you should travel too. But, here's the question, what IS travel? Does it mean flying for 10 hours, or driving down the road?
We know that traveling with your family can be a disaster, but it doesn't have to be. Let's go!